Plans taking shape for 2017 Reformation celebration

Worship opportunities, outreach grants, web resources and even a Reformation documentary are some of the undertakings for the Synod and its partner organizations celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation throughout 2017. Still, the leader of the Synod’s celebration planning reminds us that it’s still all about Jesus. Read the full article on Reporter Online…. Read More >

Bible Study with Luther: Galatians 2:11-20

by Rev. Paul Doellinger In Galatians, Paul recounts how Peter (Cephas) once extended to him “the right hand of fellowship” (Gal. 2:9). Things changed, however, in Antioch when Paul confronted Peter and pointed out his error, opposing him to his face “because He stood condemned” (Gal.2:11). In this famous confrontation, was Paul being “too strict… Read More >

Life Sunday

by Katie Schuermann “[W]ith an unusual passion they slaughter their own children like butchers.” Luther’s Works, Volume 17.272             “To date,” Pastor Schmidt preached from the pulpit, “an estimated 58 million children have been aborted in this country.” Claire, sitting in the seventh pew on the lectern side of the nave, rolled her eyes. There… Read More >