What does this logo mean?
This logo takes many elements from Luther’s seal, which is the most easily recognized symbol for Lutheranism. It was common in Luther’s day for people to create a seal or coat of arms for their families, and that seal told the world what the family cared about or did for a living. It’s no surprise, then, that Luther’s seal was all about Jesus!
At the center of Luther’s seal, and at the center of the Reformation 2017 logo, is a red heart in the middle of a white rose. (The heart and rose together are commonly referred to as Luther’s rose.) As Luther explained in one of his writings, “The heart in the middle of white rose shows that faith gives joy, comfort, and peace. It immediately sets [the believer] into the midst of a white, joyful rose, not like the peace and joy the world offers. That is why the rose should be white, not red. White is the color of the spirits and all angels.”
At the center of that rose is Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Jesus is the center and Rock of our faith. He has been since He came to Earth in the flesh, and He still is today. The word “still” bears witness to the ever and ongoing relevance of this one, saving truth for sinners.
Available Versions

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Spanish Translation

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Vertical Grayscale Logo

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Horizontal Grayscale Logo
Portuguese Translation

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Vertical Grayscale Logo

Horizontal Color Logo

Horizontal Grayscale Logo