Using pieces from “Martin Luther: Art and the Reformation”, the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod teaches interesting and important facts about the Reformation in this series of short videos.

Using pieces from “Martin Luther: Art and the Reformation”, the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod teaches interesting and important facts about the Reformation in this series of short videos.
by Rev. Jonathon T. Krenz Marriage is under attack on many fronts. The issues include no-fault divorce, pre-marital/extra-marital sex, living together outside of marriage, same-sex “marriage,” not to mention all of the gender confusion infiltrating nearly every facet of our society. The culture itself has been hyper-sexualized, obsessed with sexuality in television and movies, music,… Read More >
In The Luther Mile, LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison narrates a tour of historic Reformation sites. Along with historical facts, Harrison provides informative anecdotes during this tour of Lutherstadt, Wittenberg, Germany.
Dear young people: It’s time to be bold, to dare to learn, to dare to think, to speak, to confess, to engage and care to those in the dying world around you. Martin Luther dared to engage his academic community, and his 95 theses remind us that wherever we are that the Reformation is all about Jesus – still!
The congregation resource kit for the Reformation celebration contains downloadable materials to promote your congregation’s observation of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
by Rev. A. Brian Flamme How would Luther watch and read the news? Of course that begs another couple of questions, would the news matter to Luther and should it matter to the theological heirs of the Reformation? Ask yourself. Should it matter to the Christian that human embryos are being tested and discarded? Is… Read More >
You don’t have to be a pastor to know how the Reformation changed the Church and culture! When you listen to podcasts about the Reformation, it’s like theological eavesdropping on the experts.