The Marburg Colloquy

Luther simply would not delve into philosophical argument with Zwingli on the possibility of the real presence of Jesus’ body in the Sacrament. When Zwingli said to Luther, “Prove, I pray, that the body of Christ can be in many places,” Luther tersely replied, “This is my body.”

The Heidelberg Disputation

Luther’s father confessor and superior in the Augustinian order, Johann Staupitz, provided Luther the opportunity to defend and discuss his views at the April 1518 meeting of the general chapter of the Augustinians of Germany in Heidelberg. In masterful fashion, Luther explored the assigned topics of free will, grace, and works, with one conclusion: we must trust in Christ, not ourselves.

Smalcald Article Study: Repentance

When we learn it aright, we learn that the call to repentance is the call of a God who loves us and desires us to despair of our self-righteousness and benefit from the free forgiveness that is ours through the merits and sacrifice of Christ Jesus.

Luther and Pastoral Care

Upon discovering the truth, Luther also discovered that God intended this Good News to be proclaimed into all the world from the mouths of His Christians so that the intended change would happen: that lost and condemned sinners would be converted by the Gospel into believing, righteous, saved Christians.

Reformers Prior to the Reformation

Although most historians would probably date the beginning of the Protestant Reformation to Luther’s publication of the 95 Theses in 1517, it has long been recognized that the Reformers of the 16th century did not appear out of thin air.

Bible Study with Luther: Genesis 12

The true children of Abraham are not his blood offspring but those who share the same faith as Abraham—faith in the promised Seed of Abraham, our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus once said to some of those who were offended by His teaching, “Your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day. He saw it and was glad.” (John 8:56) Abraham rejoiced in the day of Jesus, not by physical sight, but by faith in God’s promise to him!

What Did The Reformers Say About Angels?

As Western Christians celebrate the church festival of St. Michael and All Angels (also known as Michaelmas) during this Reformation 500 year, it is fitting to explore the topics of interest regarding angels that occupied the thoughts of the Reformers—namely, their existence and how they intervene on God’s behalf in the lives of Christians—and examine what the Church actually confesses concerning these creatures as taught from Holy Scripture.

Luther and Care for the Dying

Luther directs the dying to the most important One of all: Jesus. He directs them to the One who shed His blood for them, Who is our life and salvation, Who is the Savior of the world, coming not for the healthy, but sick, not for the righteous, but the unrighteous.

Luther’s Catechism Hymns

Hymnody has always been a great teaching tool, and this was certainly the case during the time of the Reformation. Luther and the Reformers wrote dozens of hymns for use in the church and home as a way to teach the faith. Over the course of his life, Luther wrote hymns on all six chief parts of the catechism.